Top Reasons Website Designers Should Use WordPress

If you are looking for another reason to use WordPress, check out our top reasons website designers should use WordPress informative article! Here you will learn about all of the great and top reasons you should try out WordPress.

There are a few top reasons website designers should use WordPress to create their website or blog, or both! Using WordPress for website design is great since WordPress is a content management system. The top reasons website designers should use WordPress are explained throughout this article. Keep reading to learn more!

If you are a web designer, or even if you are new to website construction but want to learn more about becoming a website designer, you should check out WordPress for an easy-to-use website design solution. WordPress works as a content management system and works in conjunction with tons of web hosting companies out there as well as easily and free by itself! WordPress is no longer just a platform for blogging anymore. There are tons of reasons website designers might want to consider using WordPress to build a fantastic website for any purpose including online businesses, individual blogs, blogs for organizations, causes and so much more! Keep reading to learn all of the top reasons website designers should use WordPress to build a quality website.

Top Reasons Website Designers Should Use WordPress:

To start, one of the top reasons anyone should consider using WordPress for their website design is because it is cheap, if not free. To download  and install WordPress is free. If you are planning on hosting a website through an actual web hosting company to allow for higher web traffic, more download capabilities, more upload capabilities and so much more, you can choose a web host that is compatible with WordPress but still download WordPress and use it to manage your website content, pictures, videos and more. If you do choose to get a web hosting account and then download WordPress to manage your site, you can do this for just a couple bucks a month, which for many web designers is worth the cheap monthly cost!

Another one of the top reasons website designers should use WordPress include the fact that WordPress is so easy to use. The best part about being one of those new-to-web designers is that you can use the awesome tools and tricks WordPress has to offer like plugins, widgets and awesome themes to get started. If you are not quite a professional computer programmer, WordPress makes it easy for bloggers and website designers to build a quality website without having to be an online design expert. Another great part about WordPress being easy is that it will make it easy for your website followers to navigate and find their way around your website. This is a win-win situation for everyone involved!

WordPress also started out search engine optimized, which means you can simply use handy WordPress tools like the all-in-one SEO pack and be on the road to high search engine rankings in no time! This is a great way to get found by customers online or just regular followers that might be interested in the information you have to showcase on  your WordPress blog or website.

Next, you can use the versatility that WordPress has to offer. You can start building your website from scratch or you can use the handy themes and other features that make WordPress so easy for just about anyone to use. WordPress is also easy to integrate with social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. You can get followers from both of those locations in no time! This means building your site, which means more attention to your website and a possible increase in profits.

Lastly, there is a huge WordPress community out there on the Internet. Don’t forget that WordPress is one of the most visited types of websites on the web. This is a great opportunity for you to build a quality website and show off your online store, business, enterprise, organization or simply just your life to everyone you know and more! Take advantage of all that WordPress has to offer and get started with WordPress or WordPress web hosting today!

Add a Twitter ReTweet Button to Your WordPress Site

If you are into social networking, read this on how to add a Twitter ReTweet button to your WordPress site so you can build your WordPress blog following using the power of social networking tools like Twitter and Facebook.

In this tutorial, you can quickly and easily learn how to add a Twitter ReTweet button to your WordPress site to enhance the social networking aspect of your WordPress blog. Add a Twitter ReTweet button to your WordPress site and build your following even more through this great combination of online networking.

Anyone that has a WordPress blog, regardless of the reason, should consider adding or incorporating their blog in with social networking. If you are looking to build a following to your WordPress blog whether you have an online business, or just a place where you post information on certain topics, you will want to consider making your blog work with social networks like Facebook and Twitter. There are a couple of different ways you can go about adding Twitter or Facebook to your WordPress blog. Fortunately web designers understand the importance of using the advantages of social networking tools to connect users online or to build online businesses. That is why there are online tools like the Twitter widget, Facebook Plugins and even an easy ReTweet button so you can get even more out of connecting your WordPress blog with Twitter.

Add a Twitter ReTweet Button to Your WordPress Site:

Before you begin this process, since you are using Twitter it is a good idea to have other Twitter plugins or widgets already installed on your WordPress blog before you begin. You can learn more about that here.

There are a couple of ways you can go about adding a Twitter ReTweet button to your WordPress site: automatic, manual or using short codes. To start with the automatic way, all you need to do to get started is install the Plugin. There are a couple of ways to find the plugin. You can do so by using Google to find a Twitter ReTweet WordPress plugin, or you can search through the WordPress codex in your WordPress dashboard for this plugin. You can then manipulate or change the position, type and location of the plugin from the plugin’s settings page. If you wish, you can also specifically enable or disable the button for each post, or web page from the write post/page screen.

Next, you might want to considering using the manual way to add a Twitter ReTweet button to your WordPress site if you are looking to have more control over where you want the button to be positioned on your blog. You can use the following code to manually call the button:

if (function_exists(‘easy_retweet_button’)) echo easy_retweet_button();

Or you can always go the route of the short code to add a Twitter ReTweet button to your WordPress site. Simply place the shortcode [easy-retweet] anywhere in your post. This shortcode will be replaced by the button if you have the plugin installed when the post is published.

There are lots of other social networking tools and plugins you might want to consider adding to your WordPress site as well. Remember not to overload your website with too many plugins and widgets or you are going to be looking at slowing down your website and making it so your website looks too cluttered. However, using the right combination of useful plugins and the tools like a Twitter widget and and a ReTweet plugin, you are going to be able to connect with your blog readers, and even customers, on an entirely different level. Bring in more followers using social networking and build your blog following and customer base.

WordPress Plugin Development Tips

Learning how to design your own plugin for your WordPress blog is a pretty easy process if you stick to these WordPress plugin development tips as you practice your skills as a WordPress developer.

If you are interested in becoming a WordPress designer, you might want to consider these WordPress plugin development tips to learn more about WordPress design and how you can easily design your own WordPress plugin for your own development or for the use of other WordPress bloggers.

The best part about WordPress plugins is that they allow for easy modification of your WordPress blog. They make it so any WordPress blogger can add in fun features and tools that can be used both by the WordPress blog admin as well as the visitors that come to the blog for more information. There is tons of blog functionality that can be added to any WordPress blog or website with the usage of a plugin. As a WordPress designer it is important to know how to develop your own WordPress plugins so you can provide these benefits to any WordPress user or even yourself if you are so inclined to simply use these WordPress plugin development tips for your own usage on your own blog.

WordPress Plugin Development Tips:

First, let’s explain exactly what a plugin is and what it does. A WordPress plugin is a program that works as a set of functions or a single function depending on how it is written in the PHP scripting language. This adds a specific set of features and services for your blog that can be easily integrated with any WordPress blog using access points and methods that are provided by the WordPress Plugin Application Program Interface (API).

You may have started your own WordPress blog only to notice that you are in a desperate need for your blog to have this particular function. Before you begin making your own plugin, first check the web to see if you can find it there first. With so many WordPress web designers, there is a chance it has already been made and it is much easier to just download it from another website or designer. However, if you cannot find the plugin you are looking for or if it ill-made or not designed to suit you needs fully, you might want to continue reading these WordPress plugin development tips so you can begin building your own plugin.

Keep in mind to progress any further, you will need to be at least somewhat proficient in PHP scripting language as well as with WordPress. If you aren’t you might want to consider having another WordPress designer take over on the design for the plugin  you need, or you might want to brush up on  your programming skills before you get started.

First, you need to make a name for your plugin based on what you plan to design it to do. Make it unique and memorable especially based on if you plan to share or sell this plugin on the web. Be sure there are no other plugins of the same name or it will not work because it cannot have the same PHP file as another plugin.

Next, you can split your plugin into multiple files, but remember it must have at least one PHP file. You can also include other types of files if that is how you wish to create it: JavaScript, CSS, image files, language files, etc. If you choose to have multiple files, make sure you put them all in the same directory with a unique title name. This way you can tell your plugin users to install the entire directory when they download your plugin.

You might also want to create a Readme file if you choose to go that route. It is also super helpful to create a web page that actually acts as the homepage for the WordPress plugin. This is a great way for you to explain to the users how they can install the plugin, what it is form etc. To continue the process, you will want to put your programming information into the main Plugin PHP file. Start with the header and then go with the information about licensing the plugin.

A couple other WordPress plugin development tips to keep in mind when you are creating your plugin is to use one or more WordPress hooks to complete the function process when you are developing the plugin. Next, add in template tags that can also help with the functionality of adding your plugin to a WordPress blog. This is helpful in case the user wants to add in these template tags to their blog or blog post. Make sure you save often when you are creating the functions for your plugin in between sessions.

Lastly, keep these tips in mind as you develop your plugin:

  • Make sure the code of your WordPress plugin follows the WordPress coding standards and consider the Inline Documentation standards as well.
  • Keep in mind that the functions of your plugin must have unique names that are different from the functions in the WordPress core, other plugins and themes.
  • Be sure to select only what you need even though databases select data super fast. This will simplify the entire process,
  • Make sure you eliminate PHP errors in your plugin and double check the functionality to make sure it works.

Using all of these WordPress plugin development tips are a great way to get started building your own WordPress plugin. Be sure to check out the WordPress codex online to learn more about the process and to help get started with the programming side of developing your plugin.

How to Make a WordPress Events List

If you are a WordPress designer or are looking to enhance the look of your blog, you can use this tutorial on how to make a WordPress events list to build the look of your site as well as clue in your readers to important upcoming events taking place in relation to your blog.

If you are wondering how to make a WordPress events list, you are in the right place to find out! There are quite a few ways a WordPress designer or even a WordPress novice can learn how to make a WordPress events list for their WordPress blog. Keep reading to learn more!

For those who are looking to find out how to make a WordPress events list, this tutorial gives you a good look at how you can learn to design your own within the coding of  your WordPress admin control panel, or you can use other widgets directly on your WordPress blog to notify your followers as to upcoming events and happenings that relate to your blog. An events list for WordPress is exactly what you would think it is. The WordPress events list can serve many purposes including simply describing what activities you plan to participate in, or if you use your blog to host your online store, you can notify your customers about upcoming promotions, sales and more.

How to Make a WordPress Events List:

The process of learning how to make a WordPress Events list is actually pretty similar to start as you would when you are posting your regular blogging content. You can have your list indicate the by-date in which they will occur to help keep things in chronological order.  Basically to start you will create an Events Category. This is where you will be able to post your new and upcoming events.  You are also going to want to keep in mind that you don’t want to show any of the older events that have already taken place. Unless you are planning to simply use your WordPress events list as more of a timeline of when certain instances and events took place. However, for this purpose, you are going to want to simply focus on the upcoming events you have going on that you want to showcase on your WordPress blog. In order to attribute the event to a date, you will want to use a custom field called Date with the format: mm/dd/yy.

When you are looking into how to make a WordPress Events list, you can always add the information using a MySQL query. Figure out first where you want to put your events list on your WordPress templates. For easy visibility, you might want to consider using a sidebar to the left or right of the web page. This is where your website visitors will be able to see the events list the best. It is easiest to build your first line of the query with the Where. This tells MySQL how to match up corresponding rows. You can also tell MySQL how to find the event posts. If you want to do this, paste the following in after the header of the MySQL query.


AND wpostmeta.meta_key = 'Date'
AND STR_TO_DATE(wpostmeta.meta_value,'%m/%d/%Y') >= CURDATE()

AND wposts.post_status = 'publish'
AND wposts.post_type = 'post'


This is where you can have the Date custom field if you wish. You can also use this to show which events have not yet passed and are indeed upcoming events. Use the following to indicate how many events you want to add to the list.


ORDER BY STR_TO_DATE(wpostmeta.meta_value,'%m/%d/%Y') ASC


In order for the events list to now display, use this and save the results:


$events = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT);

Now that you have done this part, you are going to want to set it up to loop and to run through each one to be displayed in the list.


 if ($events):
	global $post;
 	foreach ($events as $post):
 		setup_postdata($post); ?>
			<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
	<?php endforeach;
else : ?>
	<li>Sorry, no events coming up.</li>
<?php endif; ?>

Hopefully using this tutorial, you can create your WordPress events list. There are certain ways you can customize a list like this. Feel free to use your other WordPress designer skills to change things up as you see fit for your WordPress events list on your blog.


Essential Elements of a Blog Design

Coming up with the essential elements of a blog design is pretty easy and is typically up to whatever features the WordPress user find the best value in when they are creating and designing their own WordPress blog or website.

Learning the essential elements of a blog design is a great way to maximize the look of your WordPress blog and how to get the most exposure. This is especially important if you are using your blog to make money. The essential elements of a blog design include plugins, widgets and more!

Essential elements of a blog design are what keep your WordPress blog looking and functioning great. Fortunately there are tons of WordPress tools you can use to ensure the essential elements of a blog design are able to be used on your own WordPress blog. There are a few aspects of building a blog that are absolutely essential for both the design, look, layout, but also the functionality of your WordPress blog. The first rule to remember is to add enough of the these elements to have a fun and functional website, but not too many that you will overwhelm your website visitors. That is why it is so important to determine which elements of your blog design are essential and which just take up too much space.

Essential Elements of a Blog Design:

Getting down to the basics, one of the most essential elements of a blog design starts with the WordPress theme. There are a few ways you can choose the best theme for your website. There are tons of free WordPress themes available online for your choosing or you might want to spend a few bucks and get a premium WordPress theme. This is a choice you can make at your own discretion depending on how you want your WordPress blog to look. Some WordPress users also choose to have a WordPress designer create a custom WordPress theme. However, those options tend to be a bit more expensive. You can also check out a tool like the WordPress Thesis theme. This is a great tool and one of the most essential elements of a blog design for your WordPress website. This tool allows you to create your own website quickly and easily with custom theme-building tools.

Once you’ve decided on your WordPress theme,  you can move on to adding the fonts that are creative, but readable. You don’t want to choose a font for your headlines, photo captions or content that is confusing to read. Try out these fonts before you make a decision. Now, you can also go ahead and start thinking up content for your blog, or adding in photos. A picture speaks a thousand words and if your blog isn’t visually attractive with photos, colors or contrast, your website followers are not going to be as impressed and will be less inclined to come back to your website. If you are using your WordPress blog to make some extra money online, it is vital to have  website or blog design that impresses your visitors. This is a great way to keep them coming back for more business as well as to refer their friends and family to help increase your overall number of customers, sales and profits.

Next, you are going to want to decide on a few choice WordPress plugins and widgets. There are tons of these available, but you want to be careful not to overcrowd your website with this fun little tools. You might want to choose a couple that you find especially helpful. For some, that might be the Twitter Widget. If you have a strong following on Twitter and know your followers would benefit from also seeing your blog, you can use the Twitter widget to integrate the two. Some also like tools like a calendar widget or e-commerce plugins. This is an essential tool to add to the blog design, but also will provide a valuable tool to help support your online business. WordPress photo gallery plugins are some of the best  tools you can use as an essential element of a blog design by adding those photos in a visually appealing manner to attract new customers.

Once you have all of these tools, it is important to remember not to overcrowd. Focus on the essential elements of a blog design instead of just cluttering up your WordPress blog with too many photos, videos, plugins and widgets and slowing down your website loading time in the process. Keeping these tips and tools in mind is a great way to gather your essential elements of a blog design for your WordPress blog.

Artisteer Review

Using Artisteer web designer technology, any WordPress user can become a talented web designer without having to worry about having previous technical knowledge to do so. Artisteer makes it easy for any WordPress user to build a great looking WordPress blog theme or website.

In our Artisteer review, we are going to cover the basics of this automated web designer and how you can use the Artisteer web designer to build your own WordPress themes. Keep reading our Artisteer review to learn more about this great program you can use to enhance your WordPress blog.

Get Your FREE Artisteer Trial Download Here!

In our Artisteer review, we plan to take an in-depth look at the features Artisteer has to offer and how this automated web design software works with a variety of content management systems including WordPress to give bloggers and website builders awesome tools to build a great looking blog or website. The Artisteer web designer is a great tool that just about anyone can use. You don’t have to have technical knowledge or previous web design experience to get started. Not only is Artisteer fun and easy to use, but you can literally use it to design your blog and great-looking web templates in a matter of minutes.

The Benefits of Using Artisteer:

There are many benefits when it comes to using Artisteer along with WordPress as your CMS to help create a great looking website. The best part is that you can do this all for an affordable price. You don’t have to worry about having to learn Photoshop, CSS, HTML or other programming languages. Artisteer makes it easy for anyone to design a great-looking website without all of the hassle. Instead of paying tons of money on a WordPress theme that you just like a little bit, but don’t really love, you can use Artisteer to build exactly what you want. You can experience 100 percent satisfaction in the look, appearance and functionality of your blog. You can easily export your work to WordPress or even other types of CMS products like Blogger or Joomla. With the newest version of Artisteer 3.0, you can completely create websites and blogs as well as edit pages, write content for your website or blog and publish them online for the world to see. By having a great looking blog, you are more likely to bring on more and more followers to your blog or website. If you use your WordPress blog to earn money online, it is important to have a blog that looks great. If it looks cheap or ill designed, followers are  not going to take your site seriously and it is going to hurt your overall earnings. However, that is not something you have to be concerned about when using Artisteer. You immediately can become a web designer without months of learning and schooling. You can use Artisteer for designing, editing, slicing graphics, coding XHTML and CSS as well as create web design templates without having to have tons of technical skills to do so.

How Artisteer Works:

You can start out with templates or build your own WordPress theme from scratch. It all depends on what you are looking for and where you want to start. You can pick  your own colors, fonts, design your own headers and even add pages and add content right from Artisteer. Using the HTML export button, your new theme and content is ready to go in just minutes. If you ever feel like spicing up the look of your site and want to give it a 5-minute makeover, that is easily done using the awesome web design tools from Artisteer. This is much more cost effective than if you were to pay for an entirely new WordPress theme every time you wanted to change the look of your WordPress blog.

With Artisteer you can check out the free demo so you can see exactly how easy and fun it is to use Artisteer to design your own WordPress theme. You can also check out the template samples to help get you started with ideas. Best of all, you can download the Artisteer free trial. This is perfect for those who like to try a product before they buy it. You ca get an immediate chance to check out Artisteer to see if it will really work for you and your online WordPress blogging needs. Don’t hesitate to check out the Artisteer web page today to learn more!

Web Apps for Freelance Web Designer

WordPress web designers can greatly benefit from what the thousands of available web apps have to offer online. Looking into web apps for freelance web designers can be a great tool for WordPress website designers.

Web apps for freelance web designers can be a great tool when it comes to building tools and services for WordPress blogs and websites. Many freelance web designers enjoy using web applications to help manage their WordPress online activities. Using these apps is a great way to stay organized and build more online utilities.

There are tons of web apps that freelance web designers can use to create tools that can be used on any WordPress blog or website. There are quite a few advantages of using web apps for freelance web designers in comparison with design software and other products that cost money and time to purchase and install on your computer. Web based applications are especially great for freelance WordPress designers because they work by simply using the application on any PC or even many mobile devices. One of the best parts is that you don’t have to worry about backing up software because the data is stored safely on a server. Apps are becoming popular in a variety of types and ways including on smart phones and tablets like the iPad.

Web Apps for Freelance Web Designers:

There are tons of different apps available online for this specific purpose. Some you can pay for while others are free and easy to use. You can find apps through a variety of resources. However, because there are so many apps for freelance web designers available, it is a good idea to find the specific type of app you are looking for so you can narrow down the options. When it comes to designing and managing your own WordPress blog, you are going to find a lot of help and convenience through these various web applications including project/task management applications, email marketing apps, communication apps, web analytics applications, payment, document storage and file management apps and many more.

If you are creating a WordPress blog or website, you are going to need these web apps for freelance web designers. Most of them are free and they are super easy to use. You don’t have to worry about downloading expensive software or anything like that. Simply add the app and start managing and designing the functionality and look of your WordPress blog.

Web apps for freelance web designers are becoming so popular to use because they are often free and can be used in so many ways. For example, they can be used at the convenience of a web browser as a client, along with the ability to update and maintain website applications without having to distribute or install software on a bunch of different computers. You can basically use your web apps where ever you go especially if you are using them on your phone, tablet, netbook, laptop etc. Most web apps are also great for WordPress web designers because they have a cross-platform compatibility. This makes it easy for common web applications like webmail, online retail sales, wikis, online auctions and many more to all be used together.

If you are a WordPress web designers and want to look into using web apps, make sure you narrow down the search to the best apps you nee ffor your WordPress website or blog. This will help you in wading through the thousands of web apps that are available online.

Custom Fonts for WordPress Themes

Using custom fonts for WordPress themes is a great way to add creativity and professionalism to your WordPress blog. Custom fonts for your WordPress website can be used on every aspect of your features, plugins, menu options, posts and headlines or blog titles.

Custom fonts for WordPress themes are a great way to spice up the look of your WordPress website. Remember the importance of using WordPress elements like posting and headlines. Using custom fonts for WordPress themes helps enhance the look of your website especially in those posts and headlines.

If your website looks too plain, or yet too unreadable, you are going to alienate your readers and blog followers. This is why using customer fonts for WordPress themes can get that right balance between creative and easy to read when it comes to the posts and headlines on your WordPress blog. Using custom fonts for WordPress themes can also add that element needed to enhance and go along with other creative aspects of your blog including photos, theme designs, plugins, widgets as well as other online tools.

There are a variety of fonts to choose from throughout the Internet, and a few select font types that are available with most WordPress themes. Most of these will be a generic serif or sans-serif. That means if you want to really spice up the look of your WordPress theme, you are going to need to loo outside the box for other types of fonts to enhance the look of your WordPress website. This is why there are custom fonts for WordPress themes available. These custom themes often differ depending on the look of  your theme. To find these fonts,  you can use a font test. You can also learn to change your own fonts by checking your WordPress theme’s style sheet (style.css). You can control the font family from this point, which means the fonts are the ones that are available to display.

Custom Fonts for WordPress Themes:

There are a few tools you can use to establish custom fonts for WordPress themes. One of these is the Google Font Directory. This works because you can easily embed these unique and creative fonts to make them available right in the directory of the thetme using the Google Font API. This directory even codes the font for the WordPress user, and then all you have to do is copy and paste those codes into the theme’s file.

There are also WordPress plugins that can be used to bring new custom themes to your WordPress website like the Plugin v5. This is a great tool that allows you to be able to use customized fonts and typography directly on your WordPress website, which allows you to create unique design options. There are some types of plugins like this one that are free to download. However, some might find the plugin process a bit confusing, but many WordPress plugin designers will install and set up the plugin for you along with installing the single theme with the plugin. If you are also looking for a guide or tutorial, that might also be available for an added fee. There are also other WordPress themes that come automatically with some really creative custom font options.

Depending on if you want to pay to add custom fonts for a WordPress theme on your website, you can always find a great option to use custom fonts throughout your website on posts, headlines, side bars, menu options, etc. Using custom fonts for WordPress themes are great because they really add creativity and spice to your WordPress website.

Tips on Creating a WordPress Mobile Theme

By knowing and understanding these tips on creating a WordPress mobile theme for your WordPress website or blog, you are more likely to generate a stronger online following for your website.

Considering these tips on creating a WordPress mobile theme is a great way to keep up with expanding mobile technology. These days just about everyone has a smart phone, which they use to browse the web. These tips on creating a WordPress mobile theme are helpful in keeping your WordPress blog up to date.

There are a few different online tools you can use to help make you WordPress blog mobile phone friendly. As many Internet users are becoming more and more mobile ready, they use their phones to browse the web while on the go. If they are not able to access your WordPress website because it is not able to be read through a mobile phone, then your WordPress website might be missing out a a lot of activity from these types of Internet users. However, that is not something to be concerned about because there are plenty of online tools to help you out. Keep reading our tips on creating a WordPress mobile them to learn more about how you can get your website mobile ready.

Tips on Creating a WordPress Mobile Theme:

There are certain online tools that can be used to help create a mobile theme for your WordPress blog or website. The WPtouch plugin is one of the most commonly used plugins for this task. One of the best parts about using WPtouch is that there is a free version of it so just about everyone can use it to create a WordPress mobile theme. It is also easy to use. For example, WPtouch can automatically transform a WordPress blog or website into an iPhone application-style theme. It will allow the user to load entire articles, effects and can be viewed from just about any smart phone including the iPhone, iPod touch, Android phones, BlackBerry and more.

The mobile theme that can be created using WPtouch also includes the ability for website visitors to switch between the mobile theme viewing as well as the regular theme of the website. There are other mobile theme application providers just like WPtouch that can be used. Some of these WordPress plugins are something that must be paid for, while some are free. Depending on your theme preference, it could fluctuate the cost. It is best to do research and read the WordPress plugin reviews to find the best mobile theme generator plugin for your own personal WordPress website.

By following these tips on creating a WordPress mobile theme you are on the road to having a successful mobile website! Making your website viewer friendly is a great way to develop a stronger following. This is because so many use tablets and smart phones now for simple day-to-day Internet browsing activities. If you are using your website or WordPress blog to make money online, you are going to want as strong of an Internet following as possible. That is why it is so important to have a strong mobile theme for your WordPress website or blog.

How to Design a WordPress Theme

Learning how to design a WordPress theme is easier than it sounds and actually doesn’t even require necessarily having any programming experience. While building a WordPress theme is easier for professional web designer, there are ways that those new to WordPress design can get started learning how to design a WordPress theme.

If you are a web designer looking for information on how to design a WordPress theme, continue reading to find out the basics of getting started on how to design a WordPress theme. You can even sell a theme to make some extra money online or to use to get your name out there as a website designer for WordPress.

There are a few things you need to get started when you are learning how to design a WordPress theme. If you a re unfamiliar with web design in general and this is one of your first attempts at designing something for the web, it might be a good idea to brush up some programming basics before you get started. Learning how to design a WordPress theme is a great way you can enter into the web design industry. If you enjoy building WordPress themes you can even market them and use them to earn money online as a website designer.

First, you are going to need to start with structuring. This is the first part of building a WordPress theme and essentially serves as the building blocks of your WordPress theme. There are a few essential elements in building a layout that you will most likely need to include. For example, the header, posting area, sidebar, single page, comment box, feedback box, searching field, page menu, RSS feed and archives links and about page section. However, just because a good layout will have all of these elements, it is also important to remember not to overload the theme with too much stuff. To avoid this, it is a good idea to not display too many elements on a single page. Divide up the elements among several pages. Also, try and keep your theme color scheme consistent to avoid having too many colors and font types going on. It is one thing to choose two or three complimentary colors and fonts, but don’t overload it or it will just make the theme look messy.

Many WordPress designers will go about building all of these elements to comprise a theme in a program like Photoshop, but it is possible to do it in other programs like Dreamweaver, etc. Start with each element and construct each part of it individually before moving on to the next element. For example, fist build the header according to whichever size and length you want it to have. Add in the color and text to set the overall color scheme and font type as the rest of the blog. It is also important to keep in mind when you are first learning how to design a WordPress theme for your own site or to sell to other WordPress users, it is a good idea to make sure the theme fits the style of the blog or site. If the website is being use to sell products or promote services online, it is a good idea to stick with a theme that looks clean, sleek and professional.

When you are adding in the post box element it is a good idea to put a template text and header in the body just so you can get an idea of how the text will look when you or the blogger to use your theme finally does put real posts inside the post box. Another helpful tip to remember when you are learning how to design a WordPress theme is to keep your elements as organized as possible. It is a good idea to save each element as a PSD file separately so when you add everything together at the end, it is easy to find the elements and you don’t have to worry about rearrangement or formatting issues.

For help with any of the coding that is required to put together a WordPress design theme and the layout features of that theme, you can actually find ready-made codes online. Unless you are already a professional programmer and understand various programming languages, it might just be easier to use the coding from other websites and designers to build your own DIY WordPress theme. It is also a great way to get started if you are new to website design in general. From there, you will already have the experience with WordPress theme design and you can begin learning a programming language if you wish to get more in depth into the learning process.