WordPress Widget vs. Plugin

To remember the difference between a widget and a plugin for WordPress it is important to keep in mind that a widget is a plugin but the reverse cannot be said about plugins. These are both helpful tools that can be used to enhance your WordPress blog.

The WordPress widget vs. plugin topic is a confusing concept for many who have never used WordPress as a blogging platform or content management system for their website before. Here we will explain WordPress widget vs plugin to help give readers an idea of the difference between these two handy WordPress tools.

If you are considering building a WordPress website or blog, you will notice there are tons of WordPress tools you can use to build your blog including plugins and widgets. However, because these items are both very similar and contain quite a few of the same characteristics in how they operate on a person’s blog, it can be difficult to know which is which. Continue reading about the WordPress plugin vs. widget to learn more about the difference so you can properly use these tools to enhance your WordPress blog.

WordPress Widgets vs. Plugins:

A WordPress plugin works for your blog or website by allowing the web designer to add a function of some sort to WordPress by downloading a software script. There are many of these WordPress plugins available. In fact, they have plugins for better search engine optimization, plugins for post sharing, contact generator and so much more. There are thousands of these plugins available that have been designed by professional WordPress web designers. You can use plugins to accomplish many tasks on your blog including the WordPress affiliate program plugin so you can begin making money blogging with your WordPress blog. If you want to sell products or services on your blog, you might also want to consider adding a WordPress shopping cart plugin on your blog or site.

With widgets, this is more of an object or quick and easy tool that you add to your blog’s sidebar. This is usually derived from a plugin, which is why it can get confusing when comparing plugins and widgets. If you want to look for some fun widgets to add to your blog, you can check under the Appearance section of your WordPress blog dashboard. Under the widgets tab, you can find a huge selection of widgets to choose from. Keep in mind that adding WordPress widgets to your blog is a great way to install handy tools that will be appealing and useful to your web followers. It is a good idea to have these widgets so your followers can more easily follow what you have listed on your blog in terms of finding old content, searching for posts, etc. You want to make your website as user friendly as possible and adding widgets to your blog is a great way to do that. The sidebar with the widgets is one of the most happening places on  your blog other than content, so it is important that this area not go neglected.

In short, with the widget vs. plugin debate, a widget is essentially a plugin that you can drag and drop around your WordPress blog or website. The plugin is a script that is downloaded that improves the functionality of your blog in both the front end for the user and the back end for you as the website admin. Use this to help you remember the difference between plugins and widgets: WordPress widgets are always plugins, but plugins are not always widgets.

Hopefully keeping this in mind can help you learn the difference between these two different types of handy WordPress tools. Keep in mind that both are essential to how your blog operates and functions. There are tons of helpful WordPress widgets and plugins out there. Find the ones that work best for you. The best part is that the WordPress web designers that make these tools most often offer these awesome tools for free. So trial and error which plugins and widgets work best for you and your WordPress site. Be careful to not overload your WordPress site with too many of these tools, however or you will risk slowing down the loading times of your website too much.

WordPress Countdown Widget

The WordPress countdown widget is a fun and easy-to-use tool that you can add to your WordPress blog to add in a fun way to count down to an upcoming event, or count the days past a certain event has taken place.

The WordPress Countdown widget can be a fun tool for many WordPress bloggers. The WordPress Countdown widget is also super easy to install on your WordPress blog and works virtually on its own, inconspicuously located wherever you choose to place it on your blog.

The WordPress Countdown widget is really easy to use and can be used in a variety of situations. For any WordPress blogger looking to countdown to a big occasion, event, happening or release date, the WordPress countdown widget can be a fun and visual tool to use on your WordPress blog. Most online readers want visual stimulation as much as they want quality content to read when they are checking out their favorite blogs. The WordPress countdown widget is a great way to grant that visual stimulation as well as remind your regular blog readers about an upcoming event or happening. For example, if you are an author with a WordPress blog and about to release your newest book, you can easily use the WordPress countdown widget to illustrate to your WordPress blog followers that they should be eagerly anticipating this newest book release.

How to Use the WordPress Countdown Widget:

In addition to the ability to use the WordPress countdown widget to lead up to events, the WordPress countdown widget is also great for displaying if a certain event has already passed. There are many of these countdown widgets available. You can choose whichever one represents the best look for your site. You are most likely going to want to choose the best WordPress countdown widget that compliments the look of your WordPress site by standing out from regular content,photos, etc. so your followers know exactly what it is for. You will most likely want to use the WordPress countdown widget on the sidebar so it is readily available. You might want to put a link below the countdown widget to illustrate what the widget is for and what you are counting down to do. When your followers click on that link, they might be taken to a separate web page that tells more about the countdown or important event that has already passed by. This way, new readers or follower to your blog will have a good idea of what your WordPress countdown  widget represents.

To use the WordPress countdown widget, you will first need to choose which one you want to use. There are probably dozens, if not hundreds of these available online from a variety of WordPress web designers. You can also customize the appearance of tons of these WordPress countdown widgets with CSS as you like. This means, you can change the fonts, styles and colors to better reflect the theme of your blog. The best part about choosing the best WordPress countdown widget is that they are generally just drag and drop. You don’t have to be a professional coder. All you have to do is plug it in to your site where you want it, and voila!

When it comes to using WordPress widgets, the countdown widget is a great one because it is easy to use and is also easily temporary. Only keep it up until the event comes, or as long as you want. It is your choice for your blog. Also, it doesn’t take up much space. Having the WordPress countdown widget on your blog is not going to slow down your web page loading times for your blog visitors. However, it is always important to keep in mind that you should never have too many widgets on your WordPress blog at all times. This will in fact slow down your web page loading speeds and might discourage visitors from checking out your blog. Also, if you choose the WordPress countdown widget from an independent web designer, you need to make sure it is secure. Adding security risks to your website might make it easier for hackers to access and SPAM your website. Be cautious when choosing your WordPress countdown widget for your WordPress blog.

WordPress RSS Widget

Using the WordPress RSS widget can be valuable for your blog in a few different ways, plus the WordPress RSS widget is super easy to use and download to your WordPress blog. You can use the RSS feed to link to other blogs, news feeds and social networking sites.

With the WordPress RSS widget, you can integrate an external feed source directly into the widget on your WordPress blog where ever you want it to go. There are several options to consider to get your own WordPress RSS widget. Some of these WordPress tools are even free to download!

If you are considering adding a WordPress RSS widget to your WordPress blog or website, there are plenty of easy-to-use RSS widget tools to choose from. There are also also tons of reasons you might want to consider adding an RSS widget to your website simply to add in features and information from other sites like your favorite news websites or places you like to go to get other types of information and updates on your favorite topics.

WordPress RSS Widget:

You use the WordPress RSS widget to display multiple RSS feeds or even multiple widgets on your WordPress blog. This is great if you plan to use several different news sources for RSS feeds, or if you plan to follow other blogs and want the RSS feeds showing from there. If you are using your blog to connect to  your users also via social networking, it is a great idea to have a WordPress RSS feed. This can also be your an RSS link to your Twitter account, Facebook status updates and other posts or other types of social networking. If you use your WordPress blog to make extra money online, it is important to get noticed however possible. One of these ways is through your blogging content and another is social networking. Linking your blog to your Facebook and Twitter accounts and vice versa is a great way to generate a stronger following and potentially make more money online.

How to Use the WordPress RSS Widget:

There are a couple of different ways you can use the WordPress RSS widget for your blog. First, there are two built-in WordPress or feed widgets that you can use directly from your admin account including the RSS Links and the RSS. The RSS links works by displaying a list of the links you have planned to access for your site. This can be a weather feed, or news feed, or blogging feed from other bloggers. There are lots of options to consider. The RSS works by allowing you as the blog admin to integrate an external feed source for content into a widget area of wherever you would like it be on your blog page.  To help specify what the RSS link is to,  you can create and manage titles for your RSS feed. With the RSS link widget, the widget does not actually display the feed unlike the regular RSS widget. Instead, the RSS link widget just links to the feeds so that your blog followers can click on them to get the RSS feeds added to their own blog.

The RSS widget then works by showing the most recent Tweets, status updates or news feed information on the feed itself. This is the best way to work toward integrating outside content to your WordPress blog. The WordPress RSS widgets also only display the first 100 characters or so of the information it is showing. They might be in the form of a link or the basic info depending on the type of RSS feed it is.

Other features that are included in the WordPress RSS feed include the title. how many items you would like to display from most recent to older posts, item author or credentials and the display item date. This is a great way to help keep your blog followers up to date and current on the information you are showcasing via your blog.


WordPress Slideshow Widget

Using a WordPress slideshow widget to enhance the look of your site is a great tool that can be used for online business owners, those who do affiliate marketing, photography showcasing as well as can be used to put ads on your WordPress blog.

There are a lot of ways you can spice up the look of your WordPress blog including by adding in a WordPress slideshow widget. If you have a variety of pictures, products or other items you would like to showcase on your site, a WordPress slideshow widget is a great option to help you do that.

Adding a WordPress slideshow widget  to your WordPress blog can be great for a number of reasons. As many WordPress users plan to use their blog to promote their online business, or to even sell products and services, the slideshow widget can be a great tool. If you are an online business owner and want to showcase a variety of products that you have to offer, or various shots of the same product so your customers can get a good look, simply use the WordPress slideshow widget to do so. This will give your customers and blog followers a clear look at exactly what you have to offer. When people are looking to buy a product online, they want as much information about that product as possible. In using the WordPress slideshow widget you can take photos from every single angle to help out your customers as well as promote more sales for your online business.

Overall there are a variety of ways and reasons to add a WordPress slideshow widget to your website. Another reason  you might want to consider adding this fun and unique tool to your WordPress blog is to add to the functionality of your site. You can use a sidebar slideshow widget, so photos can be constantly moving up and down the side of your blog while they are reading articles on your blog, or viewing other content. If you are a photographer, and use your WordPress blog to showcase your work, having a WordPress slideshow widget is almost a necessity. This is one of the best tools you can use on your WordPress blog to really enhance the look, functionality and overall tools on your WordPress blog.

If you are using your blog to promote your affiliate program, or  if you simply have ads on your website, it might be a good idea to put a WordPress slideshow widget on your blog to enhance the look of the pictures or ads. This is a great way to help circulate more ads, even the pay-per-click, ads directly on your site. This can greatly help you add a tool that you can use when you are looking to make money blogging. There are a variety of these WordPress slideshow widgets available online. You can download many of them for free including the WordPress Smart Slideshow Widget directly from the WordPress Codex Plugin Directory. With this tool you can add in 10 awesome effects for the slideshow, custom CSS style for your images, a delay between images and changes to the animation speed, image order, link for your images as well as manual controls. There are many ways you can add in a WordPress slideshow widget to your blog and customize it to run and operate exactly how you want it to look. Check out the WordPress slideshow widget and see for yourself really how well it can enhance the look and functionality of your WordPress blog.

WordPress Weather Widget

Using a WordPress widget like the weather widget is a fun way to spice up the look and functionality of your WordPress website. Using a weather widget gives you the opportunity to have local weather conditions displayed directly on your blog.

A fun tool to add to your WordPress blog is the WordPress weather widget. There are a variety of these weather widgets that you can download and use on your own WordPress website. These weather widgets are easy to use and are a fun addition to your WordPress blog.

Because there are a few WordPress widgets to choose from, it is important to first read the reviews on the success and functionality of the WordPress widget. There are a lot of WordPress designers out there that design their own plugins and widgets including a weather widget. Just be sure you are getting one that is secure because adding less-than-secure features to your website can create a huge risk for a security breech. It is also important to make sure the reviews for the weather widget you are considering are favorable. There are some that might have a lot of bugs or other issues and will cause your WordPress website more harm and strife than benefit.

However, once you find that perfect WordPress weather widget for your WordPress blog, you are good to go. The benefits of having a weather widget on your blog include being able to consistently show the local weather, current outside conditions and temperature. It may also include the feels-like temperature.

Many WordPress weather widgets allow for the user to switch the zip code to find local weather conditions at will. You can change the zip code to check the weather wherever you would like. This is beneficial especially for customers that enjoy checking the various weather conditions. You can choose a WordPress weather widget that is able to be changed according to zip code by the website administrator only, or you can make it so all of your WordPress blog followers can also change this zip code and weather conditions based on their own location. This is a fun tool especially if you have a wide variety of followers from locations throughout the world or various locations.

The WordPress weather widget is just one of the many fun widgets WordPress users can use on their website to spice up the look and functionality of their blog. Other fun WordPress widgets include the WordPress Twitter widget, the calendar widget and so much more.

The most important thing to remember when adding one of these widgets to your WordPress blog is to be careful not to overdo it. Be selective in which WordPress widgets, plugins and other blogging tools like photo galleries and videos you use on your website. Having too many of these features, however fun and cool they may be, can easily slow down your website. Having a slow website or blog is a sure fire way to discourage visitors from checking out your website. You can always add new features and then check your website loading time to see if they are significantly slowing down the loading times of your website.

Be sure to keep all of your WordPress widgets, plugins and other tools safe and secure and choose the ones that are a best fit for your website or WordPress blog. Don’t clutter up the look of your website by adding too many superfluous web tools.

WordPress Widget Logic Plugin

Using a tool like the WordPress widget logic plugin is a great tool to add to the ease of use of Widget control and optimization for your WordPress blog. The WordPress widget logic plugin serves as a widget configuration tools for your WordPress website or blog.

With the WordPress Widget Logic Plugin,  you can control where or when a sidebar widget is displayed at your own discretion. To use the WordPress Widget Logic Plugin, all you need is to add some conditional logic to the widget configuration on your WordPress blog.

As widgets and plugins are some of the most popular types of tools that can be used on a WordPress blog or website, it is always handy to have a variety of fun tools like widgets on your WordPress blog. However, it is also nice to be able to customize those tools to make them work exactly how you want them to look and appear on your blog. For example, if you only want the email sign up widget to appear on the home page, then using a tool like the WordPress widget login plugin is a great option.

The WordPress widget login plugin can also be used when you only want your Twitter link to display on a blog post instead of the actual web page. The widget login plugin can also be used to organize your your categories to widgets if you only want them to appear on your contact page. If these examples fit some of the desires you have for customizing your WordPress blog, then the WordPress widget login plugin might be a great option to use on your WordPress website.

How the WordPress Widget Logic Plugin Works:

When you download and install the WordPress widget logic plugin, you are essentially giving every widget you use on your WordPress site an extra control field called the Widget Logic. This allows you to control the pages that each of the widgets to appear on. The text field lets you use the WordPress conditional tags, or you can also use any general PHP code. To continue using this tool for your WordPress blog, there is also an option that allows you to add a WordPress ‘widget_content’ filter. This function lets you tweak standard widgets to fit your WordPress theme without having to edit plugins regularly or the core code.

When running your own WordPress website or blog, making the overall operation as easy as possible is a great way to save time. Tools like the WordPress widget logic tool are great to help with a task like this. However, when using widgets and plugins of any kind on your website,  it is important to make sure the source you get your plugin from is a reputed and reliable web designer or company. Many security risks can be taken when users put some not-so-secure widgets on their web pages. Another tip to keep in mind about using widgets is to be careful and not use too many of these extra tools. This is something that can cause your website to slow down, which is bad for businesses and can hurt your overall Internet following. However, using a tool like the Widget Logic plugin can actually save your website loading time that way because it will work so each of your widgets aren’t trying to load on each page. So if you are trying to find a widget to increase the ease of use as well as the efficiency and loading time of your website, the WordPress widget logic plugin is a great choice to consider.


Best WordPress Widgets

To find the best WordPress widgets, you just have to know where to look. Also to find the best WordPress widgets, you have to know what you need to enhance the look of your website.There are many best WordPress widgets for options for your WordPress site out there. Just know what you need to find these widgets.

When it comes to choosing the best WordPress widgets, there are so many to choose from. The best WordPress widgets should be the WordPress features that is the most beneficial for your WordPress blog. In order to find the best WordPress widgets, you have to know what you are looking to find.

The intent of your blog can play a huge role in the types of widgets you consider to be best for your website. However, just about any WordPress blogger should get a clear picture of how they plan to use their website and what they would like to accomplish by having a WordPress blog. For example, many bloggers will actually use their website to promote a business or even sell products. Making money by blogging with WordPress can be a great online venture to bring in some extra cash. Other bloggers may be using their WordPress blog as a way to promote a product, service, organization or individual projects. There are many options for widgets that can be used depending on what you would like to use your WordPress blog to accomplish. However, there are a few staple WordPress widgets that can be used for just about any blogging purpose.

First of all, it might be a good idea to look into a Calendar Widget. With a WordPress calendar widget you can easily promote events that you have going on with your online business or for other reasons you might have a blog in the first place. In addition, the calendar widget is a great tool to schedule blog posts and know when to edit content. The WordPress calendar widget is considered one of the best WordPress widgets because it is also one of the most popular. There are dozens of styles available online either through WordPress or through an independent web designer.

Another one of the best WordPress widgets to consider adding to your blog is the Twitter widget and other widgets designed specifically to interact with social networking sites. With just about everyone part of at least one or more social network, having a Twitter widget or similar widget is a great tool to have. This perfectly integrates your Twitter account with your blog. Keep your posts current and up to date. Your blog followers will love being able to see what you are up to via the Twitter widget, and  you Twitter followers can learn about your blog through your Twitter account. It is the best of them both, which is why having a Twitter widget is one of the best WordPress widgets around. As like with the other types of WordPress widgets, you can find a variety of the widgets designed differently all over the web. Some prefer to get the widgets directly through WordPress whereas other WordPress users might like to use the widgets designed by independent web designers.

There are also tons of free widgets that make up some of the best WordPress widgets out there. Simply check out what WordPress has to offer as well as the hundreds, if not thousands, of other WordPress widget designers or web designers have to offer to find the best deals on free WordPress widgets. Using free widgets on your WordPress site is a great way to save money with  your website or blog. If you are wanting to spruce up the look of your website by adding in widgets and plugins, this is a great way to do so that is cheap and effective. If web visitors come to  your website and aren’t impressed by the look and layout of your website, they most likely won’t stick around for more. Instead they will go somewhere with a site that is well designed and creative. Having free interactive widgets is a great way to attract more Internet users and potential customers if you are using your blog to make money.

Free WordPress Widgets

There is an abundance of free WordPress widgets if you know where to look online for them for your WordPress blog. First, you can get free WordPress widgets directly through WordPress. However, don’t feel like your access to free WordPress widgets is limited. You can also get some free WordPress widgets from online web designers and companies.

Are you looking for free WordPress Widgets? This article offers information on a couple different ways to get free WordPress Widgets.  Learn what WordPress widgets are available for free and what they may be able to add to your website. Also discover how to choose the best free WordPress Widgets for your needs.

Free WordPress Widgets refer to two different groups of items, one set for WordPress.com and another set for WordPress.org.

For bloggers who use a free WordPress.com blog, 29 sidebar widgets are available from the Dashboard. Just scroll down to Appearance and chose Widgets, which occurs right after the top entry, Themes. To activate the widgets, you drag them into the Sidebar column shown on the Dashboard page, and order them by moving them up or down.

The drop-down on the Sidebar allows you to create a title for it as well as to deactivate the widget. To deactivate widgets, you have two choices. You can click on the drop down menu and deactivate them from their location in the sidebar or you can drag them out of the sidebar.

The Widgets available in the free, hosted installation of WordPress are:

  • Archives, which collates your posts by month
  • Author grid, which provides an array of the avatars of the blog’s authors
  • Authors, which lists the authors
  • Blog Stats, which collates statistics
  • Blog Subscriptions, which gives people the opportunity to subscribe
  • Box.net file sharing
  • WordPress Calendar Widget, which shows your site’s posts
  • Categories, which provides either a list or a drop-down
  • Category Cloud, an alternative means of showing categories
  • Custom Menu, a widget to allow a customer menu
  • Del.icio.us
  • Flickr
  • Gravatar
  • Image, to place an image in the sidebar
  • Meebo
  • Meta, to allow for administrator’s log-in
  • Pages, the pages of your site that are not in blog format
  • Recent comments
  • Recent Posts
  • RSS
  • RSS Links
  • Search
  • SocialVibe, for sponsorship or support of a charity
  • Text, for any text that doesn’t fit another category
  • Top Clicks
  • Top Posts :& Pages
  • Top Rated
  • WordPress Twitter Widget
  • Vodpod Videos

These widgets are provided as part of your WordPress installation, so you can expect them to work as designed and to continue working through new versions and upgrades.

Free WordPress widgets are also available for the WordPress.org version of WordPress, whether you host it yourself or have it installed on the server you rent through your web hosting plan. They are a subset of the Plugins, and as of the end of June, 2011, there were 2477 of them. These widgets are offered by third parties and without guarantee. It’s up to the Developer to provide support and to provide updates. This doesn’t always happen. There are many choices of widget for the basic functions, as well as some widgets that perform unique functions.

Certain information is provided about every widget on the search results page, and some of this can help you in choosing:

  • The version number is listed, as well as the date of the most recent update. This can help you determine if the developer is actively involved in maintaining the widget, as well as how much effort has been put into it thus far.
  • The number of downloads is listed. This can help you determine how popular the plug-in is.
  • The average customer rating is listed, and this can help you judge user satisfaction.

When you click on a particular widget title, you get access to more information: everything that’s  on the search results page plus—

  • The required WordPress version (minimum)
  • A judgment of compatibility with the most recent WordPress release based on user reports
  • A description, installation advice, FAQ, Screenshots, Other Notes, and Download Stats, the first 5 of which, WordPress depends on the developer to provide
  • The Author’s User ID
  • Tags that identify the widget

WordPress Poll Widget

If you are looking for feedback on some of your WordPress blog content, it might be a good idea to add a WordPress poll widget to your WordPress blog. This is a great way to get straight forward feedback from your blog readers and website visitors. They can vote depending on the content using the WordPress poll widget.

Using the WordPress poll widget is a great tool for any blogger to use on their WordPress blog. To use a poll, is a chance to get feedback on certain topics and more from your blog readers and visitors. Like with other WordPress widgets, there are many options to choose from.

There are tons of widget available to add to your WordPress blog. When you are first setting up your blog, or making changes to an existing blog and are looking for a widget or feature to add, consider adding the WordPress poll widget. This  can be an extremely helpful tool for your WordPress blog. A poll widget is a tool that is an easy and simple way to interact with your blog readers and visitors and to get feedback from them without forcing them to leave a comment on your blog that is lengthy and in-depth to serve as a response. Instead, you can choose the options for them and have them vote using their opinion to guide their response. This gives the blogger a way to provide quick and easy feedback without having to write out a long message to comment on the blog post. For many, this is preferable because they don’t want to have to spend tons of time providing feedback, but still gives them the chance to respond.

For a lot of bloggers, the idea is to create a dialog with their blog entries rather than just a soapbox. The WordPress poll widget is the perfect tool to make that happen. In fact, a simple yes or no or multiple choice respond is a lot more likely to generate feedback as well. Through this tool you can engage your audience and make your blog feel more like a conversation rather than just an article. Polls are great for asking questions about the topics you cover in  your blog, which is a great tool especially for marketing purposes. If  you are planning to use your blog to make money, it is a great way to do so because you can get feedback directly on certain marketing techniques, product promotion and more. For example, you can ask your blog readers if they are interested in learning more about specific products or services. This is helpful in that it can help your readers give their opinion about such a topic. That way you can have a better idea as to where you should focus your marketing efforts. Some bloggers might also use the WordPress poll widget to test and see if the overall content featured in blog is too technical or needs work. This is helpful because you can use the feedback you receive on your blog, to actually improve your blog.

There are a few things to consider before choosing the best WordPress poll widget to add to your blog. Remember, there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing to add any sort of widget or WordPress plugin to your blog. One of these is to make sure and find a poll widget that is compatible with your WordPress website. You might also want to consider if you are running a poll that lasts over the course of a few days, to add a widget as a sidebar rather than finding a widget that belongs directly in the post. This is helpful because it ensures you will not have issues with losing quick access to that poll once new posts are made. This is ideal if you are looking for something that you can access regularly or each day for the visitors to your blog. If you are using the poll to get feedback on your blog, posts or for marketing purposes, it is a good idea to find a widget that you can just add to a sidebar. Another way to choose the best WordPress poll widget is to find one that automatically calculates your results for  you. That way you can have a clear list of the number or percentage of voters per option. If you are a big advocate of social networking on your blog, you can also find a WordPress poll widget that can be incorporated with Twitter. This way you can create a poll and put it in front of your twitter followers. This way you can ask a quick question to your twitter followers and then make sure those results can be put directly on your blog.

WordPress Calendar Widget

The WordPress calendar widget is one of the most popular of WordPress widgets to be used on a plethora of blogs throughout the Internet. The WordPress calendar widget can serve so many purposes regardless of what your blog is for including eCommerce and organization or even individual uses. The WordPress calendar widget comes in many different varieties.

The WordPress Calendar Widget is just one of the many widgets and unique items to help with the overall design and appearance of your WordPress blog. With many bloggers, it is fun to look for new widgets and features like the WordPress Calendar Widget for their blog.

When it comes to widgets and plugins there are dozens of options available as well as even multiple versions of the same type of blogging tool. One example of this is the WordPress calendar widget. There are quite a few WordPress calendar tools, widgets and plugins one can use on their blog. Why use a WordPress calendar widget? There are quite a few good reasons to use a calendar plugin feature on your website. Conveniently these WordPress calendar widgets are not only easy to use, but they are most often free to download.

Why to use a WordPress calendar widget:

There are so many different types of widgets and plugins one can use on their WordPress blog. Having tools and features like these are a great way to enhance the appearance and functionality of your blog or WordPress website. Having fun features like a WordPress calendar are especially useful for those who use their blog to promote events or offer similar information. For example, one could highlight upcoming events and happenings with their WordPress calendar widget to help web visitors know when certain events are taking place and more. With the various types of WordPress calendar widgets available, you can pretty much dictate the entire look of how you want your calendar to operate on your blog. For some, a simple approach putting the calendar on the side panel is sufficient. However, some might want to go for a more prominent look with their calendar widget. Choosing the best WordPress calendar widget is simply a preference decision on how you want this calendar to appear on your blog, features you want it to have as well as where you want it positioned. The functionality of the calendar dictates the ultimate choice the blogger must make to decide.

Where to get the best WordPress calendar widget:

Because there are certain types of calendar widgets and plugins, it is important to decide exactly what you want to use it for to make that final decision. For example, there are widgets out there like the Booking Calendar. This is a WordPress calendar widget that is specifically used to book events, resources and make appointments. For example, if you are using your WordPress website to promote  your hair salon, having a tool like the WordPress Booking Calendar is a great feature because users can make appointments directly on the website through the Booking Calendar. Alternatively, there are much more simple options available for a WordPress calendar widget. Some of these widgets are available directly through WordPress, however, there are some of the calendar widgets that have been built by private web designers. These are great options to choose from as well. The events calendar is a great tool for those looking for a calendar for their blog to help them promote specific events. For example, an author’s blog could showcase book signings, readings, release dates and on-sale promotions specifically using the events calendar on their blog.  Similarly, with an Events Manager calendar, bloggers can effectively manage the calendar showcasing recurring events, venue locations, RSVP information as well as maps. This is a great tool for businesses with frequent events going on like a hotel or resort.

For those looking for a calendar widget that also serves as a day planner, the Editorial Calendar is a great option. This way you can edit the information each day to allow you to manage your daily, weekly and monthly schedule. This widget also features an easy-to-use drag and drop interface. This is great if you have to switch events around and are looking for a widget that can be used easily for just about any web user or blogger. Because there are so many different types of WordPress calendar widgets to choose from, be sure to search the Internet to find the one that is best for you. Be sure to make sure it comes from a reputable web designer or you may risk issues with security and reliability.