Why am I Not Making Money Blogging?

Why am I not making money blogging? Some bloggers will make a few mistakes that might actually hurt your chances of making money blogging. Keep in mind these few tricks to help start making money blogging.

Why am I not making money blogging? If you are asking yourself this question, don’t fret because many bloggers who set out to make money online find they struggle in the beginning. If you are wonder, why am I not making money blogging?, keep reading to learn some helpful tips.

If you are one of the many bloggers out there struggling to make money online using your WordPress blog, read on to learn a few helpful tips in how to make money online, what to avoid while blogging and what to make sure you do in order to actually make a few bucks blogging. There are many new bloggers that make a lot of mistakes when first starting a blog with the intent to make money because they really don’t know how to start the money-making process. There are a couple of the most commonly-made blogging mistakes you would do best to avoid when you are trying to make money online with your WordPress blog. Keep reading to learn more.

Why Am I Not Making Money Blogging?

If you are one of the many asking this question, start with asking yourself a question regarding the first mistake a lot of bloggers make: What is your topic or niche? You want to be super choosy when it comes to choosing a topic. Be weary that on the Internet there are tons of topics that have been covered by literally thousands of bloggers. Do not choose these topics to blog about and expect to make money. Because the competition is so fierce online and in the top search engine results, your website is not going to get found without  having to push through some serious garbage. Do yourself a favor and wade out of these messy results and just pick a topic that is not so overdone. If you still want to pick a highly popular blogging topic just be prepared to have to do a lot of extra advertising and top-notch search engine optimization to not get lost in the competition.  Also when choosing your topic, make sure it is something you enjoy writing about, or your blog will likely become a dead blog after you fail to post enough content online.

Focus on the right kind of SEO. This can be easier said than done as a lot of SEO is all up to the search engine companies like Google and they aren’t exactly forthcoming about the right way to do SEO. To keep ahead of the game, make sure you are frequently checking out SEO tips and using them on your WordPress blog, themes, widgets and your content. Make sure you keep your content quality. Do not spam up your articles and content with lots of links and tons of keywords. Using these bad SEO practices will actually hurt your blog in the long run so be cautious. SEO tips also frequently change so make sure you are checking out the most recent tips so you can keep using the best SEO practices for your WordPress blog.

You will also want to learn the right ways to monetize your blog. There is more than just using the best SEO practices on your WordPress blog to make sure you are making money. You will also want to enhance your blog by making sure it looks good. This might even require hiring a professional web designer to help you out with  your blog. This might be a good investment to make for your blog if you truly want to attract new followers to  your blog. Next, make sure you are choosing the right sponsors and advertisers for your blog. If you choose ads that don’t really represent your blog topic then your readers are not going to be likely to click on those ads and make you money. The same thing goes for affiliate programs and any other way you plan to make money on your WordPress blog.

If you are making any of the above mistakes by not doing them, or doing too much of something, you will want to try revamping your WordPress blog to start seeing better financial results on your blog.