WordPress Future Post Calendar Plugin

The WordPress future post calendar plugin is a super helpful tool that can assist WordPress users and bloggers in managing their online content and to know when new content is planned to be published.

If you are a blogger that is busy or likes to prepare blog posts for future posting to save time, etc. then you will definitely want to consider the WordPress future post calendar plugin to help keep you organized. The WordPress future post calendar plugin is a helpful tool for any WordPress blogger.

The WordPress future post calendar plugin is a super helpful tool to have for those bloggers that like to prepare blog posts in advance for future posting. Basically the WordPress future post calendar plugin works month to month and allows for the blogger to be aware of the months and dates with future posts scheduled to publish on that day. For your added  convenience, the WordPress future post calendar plugin also highlights the days you have scheduled posts, so you can look at a glance and know when posts are set to publish. Also, if you click a day, the post timestamp box changes to that day, month and year.

How the WordPress Future Post Calendar Plugin Works:

To get started using this handy WordPress plugin, you simply need to download the zip file from the WordPress.org plugin directory or from your dashboard. From there, you need to unzip and upload future_posts.php to your wp-content/plugins/ folder. A new box will now automatically appear on your edit/write post pages.

One of the coolest things about using the WordPress future post calendar plugin is that it also comes with a widget that you can install that makes it so your readers can look forward to future posts. For example, if you are going on a two-week vacation but don’t want to lose readers during your wait or have them miss out on your regular posting. Fortunately you can have them looking forward to your future and scheduled posts using this widget.

All you have to do to use this future post widget is to add this to your dashboard and un-comment the line:  add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'fpc_setup_dashboard_widget');

Do this in the future_calendar.php file. After you insert this,  you are good to go with both with WordPress future post calendar plugin as well as the future post widget that will showcase on the front of your blog webpage. For those bloggers that are consistently busy trying to add in new posts, doing your posts in advance is a great idea as long as you have enough content to write about ahead of time. If you have a busy schedule, work and/or travel frequently but still need to maintain your blog either to help make money online or just simply keep your avid readers and fan base up to date on your life’s goings-ons, you are going to want to consider adding in the WordPress future post calendar plugin. This tool is so helpful in assisting bloggers learn to manage their blog by posting on a regularly scheduled basis.

You might want to consider looking back over your WordPress website statistics to determine what days and times you have the most web traffic and try scheduling your new posts for that time to help increase your readership and following. If you use your WordPress blog to make money, this will also be a good chance to bring aboard new customers or a better client base.

To learn more about the WordPress future post calendar plugin, check out the install instructions on the WordPress.org plugin directory on the WordPress codex. It is super easy to install and get started. Plus, like all things WordPress, this plugin is super easy to use and is so helpful in assisting bloggers manage their website content and posts on a regular basis.