What Does Clean WordPress Mean?

What does clean WordPress mean? This may seem like a vague Internet term, however, a clean WordPress simply means keeping your WordPress blog and website clean looking, uncluttered, simple and classic to avoid all of the messy tools and features that can easily clutter up a website and make it unattractive to website visitors.

What does clean WordPress Mean? Clean WordPress may have more than one meaning. This article helps define what is meant when people refer to wanting clean WordPress. There is also a WordPress plugin called Clean WordPress. Keep reading to learn how using clean WordPress can work for you.

The term clean WordPress has two meanings. In one meaning, clean WordPress is used as a modifier before the noun theme. In this use, clean refers to the style of the WordPress theme. Synonyms for clean in this sense include:

  • simple
  • uncluttered
  • minimalist
  • minimal
  • uncomplicated
  • plain
  • straightforward
  • elegant
  • classic
  • understated

If you are looking for a style of WordPress theme that could be described in any of these ways, then clean WordPress theme could lead you to choices that will suit your tastes.

Clean WordPress can also refer to the tidiness of some aspect of WordPress website management, which may provide benefits in Search Engine Optimization, website functionality, or user-friendliness and readability. Three examples will help to clarify this second meaning.

First, there is a plugin for WordPress called “Clean WordPress.” Based on a plugin called “German Permalinks” and modified by Michael Renzmann, Rainer Gerhards, and Scuolamondo, the plug-in was last modified in July of 2009 and is only assured to be compatible with WordPress 2.8 or 2.8.1.The plug-in is designed to replace (clean up) special characters that appear in WordPress titles, content, excerpts, and comments.

Similar in meaning is the advice to “Clean Your WordPress URLs for Better SEO,” which suggests using canonical URLs in all references to a page, both for the sake of clear site statistics as well as to avoid Google confusing identical references as separate pages with identical content. The author of the article, Amit Agarwal, provides instructions for removing extra parameters from WordPress URLs in order to clean them up.

In Sarah Gooding’s article titled “8 Tips for Keeping a Squeaky Clean WordPress Database,” clean WordPress is used in describing another WordPress clean-up operations. Gooding’s suggestions begin with a warning to back-up your database in case anything goes wrong. She then lists her eight suggestions and explains how to enact them. Her database cleaning suggestions include:

  • Deleting post revisions and the metadata associated with them.
  • Deleting pingbacks.
  • Deleting spam comments
  • Removing tags that you created but haven’t used

After providing the phpmyadmin commands to complete these steps, she offers an alternative: the “WP-Optimize” plugin, which is available here: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-optimize/ and reportedly works with the current WordPress version, which is 3.1.3.

She also suggests removing orphaned options, which can be done with the “Clean Options” plugin, which is available here: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/clean-options/ and also reportedly works with the current WordPress version.

