WordPress AddThis Widget

The WordPress AddThis widget is one of the best ways to enhance your WordPress blog or website and to bring in more visitors and potential customers to you site via social networking tools like Twitter and Facebook.

The WordPress AddThis Widget is one of the most popular and most used tools on the web. The WordPress AddThis widget serves as a social bookmarking tool and allow any website visitor to bookmark and to be able to share your WordPress site with many other popular services on the web.

There are a variety of WordPress widgets that can be used to add social bookmarking to your WordPress blog. However, the WordPress AddThis widget continues to be one of the most popular and most used. Part of the reason the WordPress AddThis widget is so popular is because it has been around for a few years and grew popularity with its easy-to-use and straight forward, simple approach. Many individuals with blogs or even websites use these social bookmarking tools to help others find their website or blog as well as to find others that they might enjoy following.

How The WordPress AddThis Widget Works:

According to the WordPress.org codex entry, The AddThis social bookmarking widget is great because it allows any visitor to your website or WordPress blog to share your website easily with many popular social services like Facebook and Twitter. If you are looking for a way to bring more attention to your website and you have done all you can do with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the WordPress AddThis widget is a great next step to take. You can easily promote your website or WordPress blog content by shared to just about any social networking and bookmarking site including Facebook, Digg, MySpace, Twitter, StumbleUpon and many others.

The Perks of using WordPress AddThis Widget:

One of the best parts about using the WordPress AddThis widget is that the button you install on your WordPress website is small and unobtrusive so it won’t get in the way of other widgets, plugins and theme features. It also won’t detract from the look of your blogging content. The WordPress AddThis widget is also easy to load and is fortunately recognized all over the web. You can also optionally sign up for a free AddThis.com account, which is the perfect way to see how your website visitors are sharing your content online. This gives you a good idea as to which of your content is the most popular online so you can see what information you are putting out there is trending in popularity. When you know which popular content is spreading across the Internet, you can then continue providing your users with that kind of information by essentially giving your readers what they are looking to find online. The WordPress AddThis Widget is a great way to keep your visitors coming back for more and to attract more customers.

Other Social Bookmarking Widgets:

There are many other social bookmarking widgets that are available online as well like Sociable, ShareThis, obsocialbookmarker and so much more. Adding social bookmarking tools to your site is a simple, yet essential way to get your website  out there more to bring in more visitors and potential customers. If you are using your website or WordPress blog to make money online, this is a great way to build your customer base. Check out the WordPress AddThis Widget to see if it can bring more customers to your site.